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Indulging in the comfort of your own house; leisurely enjoying peace, harmony, and security. Home.

A harmonious interior has a big impact. It brings calm, security, but it’s more than that. Basically, it’s about feeling at home; with yourself and in your space. A cozy home is where you recharge, work, and entertain friends. It’s your sanctuary. Creating such a space is like art, where it asks nothing of you and gives everything.

Kompas Eline Cointepas Feng Shui
Eline Cointepas Feng Shui IJsselstein 5

A fresh start with color


Eline Cointepas Feng Shui Wassenaar project

Renovation of a Home


Eline Cointepas Feng Shui Hoffmans 4

Peace and Unity


Kompas Eline Cointepas Feng Shui
Eline Cointepas Feng Shui Haard

Central Fire Element


Kompas Eline Cointepas Feng Shui
Eline Cointepas Feng Shui Ensing 3

Tranquility in the living room


Eline Cointepas Portfolio Projecten Den Haag Thuisgevoel in gemeenschapsruimte

Creating a Homely Atmosphere for All

Den Haag

Eline Cointepas Feng Shui Linklean project

Transitioning from Villa to Apartment


Kompas Eline Cointepas Feng Shui
Eline Cointepas Feng Shui Franklin project

English Coziness


Kompas Eline Cointepas Feng Shui
Eline Cointepas Feng Shui Weesp 3

Bold Colors
